Thirty years of the Ada User Journal, Ada-Europe Reports
(for gammel til at besvare)
Dirk Craeynest
2009-06-11 22:39:16 UTC


Thirty years of the Ada User Journal


BREST, France (June 11, 2009) - On the occasion of Ada-Europe 2009, the
14th annual Conference on Reliable Software Technologies, Ada-Europe,
the international organization that promotes the knowledge and use of
Ada in European academia, research and industry, inaugurated the
celebrations of the 30th Anniversary of the Ada User Journal.

Ada User Journal, the quarterly publication of Ada-Europe, keeps its
readership abreast of developments in the standardization, use and
promotion of the Ada programming language and technology, as well as
issues related with reliable software technologies and engineering in
Europe and the rest of the world. The Journal also currently maintains
an on-line accessible archive of past editions since early 2002.

The origins of the Ada User Journal date back to the birth of Ada UK
News, which started publication in March 1980. As the first Editor,
Prof. Ian Pyle, at the time Chair of Computer Science at the University
of York, UK, put it in his inaugural Editorial, Ada has elicited
interest in both the industrial and academic worlds. Perhaps for the
first time we can find ourselves pulling in the same direction to the
benefit of us all. This is an opportunity for bridging the
industrial/academic gulf which we must not lose. And in fact this
vision is still one of the cornerstones of the Journal Editorial

The current name of the Journal first appeared in Volume 15 in the year
1994, when it was still published by Ada UK. Ada-Europe published the
Ada-Europe News since June 1989, until it was merged with the Ada User
Journal in March 1998. From that time onward, Ada-Europe and Ada UK
jointly published the Journal until Ada-Europe took over as the sole
publisher from Volume 23 in 2002.

To mark this anniversary celebration, the March 2009 issue of the Ada
User Journal features a special article entitled Thirty years of the
Ada User Journal, which recalls its three decades of history.
Celebratory posters were also exhibited at the Ada-Europe 2009
conference. A special issue of the Journal, to be released in March
2010, will reprint a selection of the best articles published in the
Journal over the past 30 years.

About Ada-Europe

Ada-Europe is the international non-profit organization that promotes
the knowledge and use of Ada into academia, research and industry in
Europe. Current member organizations of Ada-Europe are: Ada-Belgium,
Ada in Denmark, Ada-Deutschland, Ada-France, Ada-Spain, Ada in Sweden
and Ada-Switzerland. Ada-Europe also includes and welcomes individual
members from other European countries with no national organization,
and has a total membership in the region of 300.

Press contact

Dirk Craeynest, Ada-Europe Vice-President

A PDF version of this press release is available at www.ada-europe.org.

Uffe Kousgaard
2009-06-13 10:41:18 UTC
Please direct future announcements to comp.lang.ada

They are off-topic here and SPAM.

Thanks for your co-operation.
Post by Dirk Craeynest
Thirty years of the Ada User Journal
Dirk Craeynest
2009-06-13 18:15:13 UTC
Post by Uffe Kousgaard
Please direct future announcements to comp.lang.ada
They are off-topic here and SPAM.
Please clarify what you mean by "here": all of the groups that you posted
your response in, or only dk.edb.programmering?

The announcement you reacted to was posted to the most appropriate
"programming" newsgroup of various European countries, as we specificaly
wanted to reach people in those countries that are interested in
programming but do not follow the comp.lang.ada newsgroup.

We do not think its contents is off-topic in those groups.

Whether it is considered spam depends on the reader, but we receive
almost exclusively positive reactions to the few announcements that
we post per year in those newsgroups.

Sorry that our announcement disturbed your newsgroup reading.

If this is a general feeling of the readers of these newsgroups then we
will of course reconsider our posting behaviour.

***@cs.kuleuven.be (for Ada-Belgium/-Europe/SIGAda/WG9 mail)
Jacob Sparre Andersen
2009-06-13 22:14:51 UTC
Post by Uffe Kousgaard
Please direct future announcements to comp.lang.ada
They are off-topic here and SPAM.
Hvad mener du?

Så vidt jeg kunne læse handlede det om programmering?

Det ville selvfølgelig være rart, hvis beskeden havde været på dansk,
men så vidt jeg ved er det ikke et krav for beskeder til

God fornøjelse,

»Optimist, demokrat, idealist!« -- Christian Mikkelsen
Uffe Kousgaard
2009-06-14 08:00:56 UTC
Post by Jacob Sparre Andersen
Hvad mener du?
Det var en reklame for medlemsskab af dette Ada-Europe. Følg linkene og du
kan se, at det ikke er gratis. Han sender også sit spam ud ca. en gang om
Post by Jacob Sparre Andersen
Så vidt jeg kunne læse handlede det om programmering?
Forestil dig, hvis alle trykte magasiner om programmering gjorde dette?
Post by Jacob Sparre Andersen
Det ville selvfølgelig være rart, hvis beskeden havde været på dansk,
men så vidt jeg ved er det ikke et krav for beskeder til
Nej, ikke strengt taget, hvis man læser

Det er nok ikke direkte off-topic, men det er bestemt heller ikke on-topic.
Jacob Sparre Andersen
2009-06-14 17:01:17 UTC
Post by Uffe Kousgaard
Post by Jacob Sparre Andersen
Hvad mener du?
Det var en reklame for medlemsskab af dette Ada-Europe.
Så opfattede jeg det væsentligt anderledes end du gjorde det. Hvis
jeg skulle kritisere det for noget, var det snarere at det handlede
mere om programmeringshistorie end om programmering.
Post by Uffe Kousgaard
Følg linkene og du kan se, at det ikke er gratis. Han sender også
sit spam ud ca. en gang om måneden.
Jeg er godt klar over at man skal betale kontingent, hvis man vil være
medlem af foreningen. Den eneste it-forening jeg kender, der ikke
bruger kontingent er SSLUG. Og Ada-Europe er rent faktisk så store i
slaget at de lægger deres medlemsblad _gratis_ ud på nettet for alle
dem der ikke er medlemmer.
Post by Uffe Kousgaard
Post by Jacob Sparre Andersen
Så vidt jeg kunne læse handlede det om programmering?
Forestil dig, hvis alle trykte magasiner om programmering gjorde dette?
En lille historie i anledning af bladets 30 års jubilæum? Det tror
jeg sgu egentlig gerne jeg ville se fra Alt Om Data og deslige. Det
kunne være hyggeligt. Specielt hvis de samtidig gjorde deres gamle
numre gratis tilgængelige på nettet.

God fornøjelse,

»It will not be forever. - It will just seem like it.« -- Death