Please help me debug these BSODs Thank you!
(for gammel til at besvare)
2008-01-29 12:29:53 UTC
Krydspostet til dk.edb.programmering.c og


I have had several BSOD's on my Zepto 6615WD since I bought it.
So I have done a clean install (again) of Windows XP SP2. I have installed
the drivers
Zepto has provided and I have installed the drivers in the
order that they have recommended. The drivers have been
installed in this order:

Audio: Realtek HD Audio 1.64
Infrared: 5.1.3600.7
Chipset: Intel
LAN: Realtek 664
VGA: Nvidia
WLAN Intel 54Mbit: Intel
WLAN Wpro 300Mbit: Atheros

I have uploaded a zip file which you can download from:


The file contains screenshots, dmp-files, debug information and the
technical specs for my laptop.

I don't know exactly how to reach any conclusion from
the analysis of the dump files in windbg. So I hope there is a kind
soul (and expert) in this group who would be so nice to take a look
at it and help me figure out what's wrong.

I should also mention that Zepto delivered the laptop with BIOS
version 1.10, but I learned that they pulled the BIOS version off
their website after they found out that the v.1.10 BIOS made
laptops unstable. So - based on their advice - I downgraded my
bios to v.1.09 _before_ doing a clean install of Windows XP SP2.

Here is a list which describes the typical problems I have with
this laptop:

1) I am downloading a file and listening to radio over the internet. I leave
the laptop and return after a few minutes. The
netradio is still playing but the screen has gone black (like a
pausescreen). I can't return to the desktop by pushing a
button on the keyboard or touching the touchpad. I have to turn off the
laptop by pressing the off-button for some seconds
and then restart the laptop.

2) The on/off-switch for the wireless network adapter does not work. When I
switch to "off", I still have wireless access
to the internet.

3) Right after starting the laptop and logging in I get a BSOD and I have to

4) Right after starting the laptop and logging in, I leave my laptop and
return a few minutes later. I see a BSOD and I have
to restart. In other words, I sometimes get BSOD without even using the

5) I open a browser and surf a little bit. After a few clicks here and there
I lose wireless access. The list which usually shows
available wireless networks is empty and refreshing the list doesn't help.
Doing a "repair" does not help either. I have to restart
the laptop to re-establish the wireless connection. At the same time, I can
surf wirelessly with no problems on my other laptop.
I have run a netstat in DOS and it reports back very slowly until I close
skype. Sometimes, doing that, will re-establish the
internet connection. From the netstat, I can see that some application is
trying to access a lot of different ports (probably skype
trying to communicate?). However, the same version of skype runs smoothly on
my other laptop.

6) Before I leave the laptop I close the screen down so the laptop goes into
standby-mode. When I return I pull up the laptop
screen and I see that the ON/OFF-button is still lit up. The screen,
however, is black. I press the ON/OFF-button and either
[1] the laptop shuts completely down or [2] the laptop doesn't react at all.
In the latter case, I have to keep pressing the button
down until the laptop shuts down.

7) I pull the screen down so my laptop enters standby-mode. When I return
from standby-mode I get a BSOD.

I have checked the laptop for vira and spyware, but nothing was detected.

I have run memtest (for a whole night) and a tool for testing the hard
drive, but memory and harddisk seems to be fine.

I have also run some stress tests (BurnInTest from passmark) but also there
I get no errors.

Please help :o) Thank you...
2008-01-29 12:33:33 UTC
I forgot to mention that I got the first 4 BSODs right after installing
Windows XP SP2 and the drivers. I got the last 2 BSODs after
installing some applications (Skype, MSN live messenger, Photoshop
and MS Office).
Ole Nielsby
2008-01-29 17:24:23 UTC
Post by Jake
I have had several BSOD's on my Zepto 6615WD since I bought it.
Du vil nok få mere ud af at spørge i en hardware-relateret
gruppe - måske er der andre der har haft samme problem med
den model. (Men en RAM-test gør ingen skade.)


You might want to ask in above-mentioned hardware-related
newsgroup. Other owners of that model may have had similar
problems (But testing your RAM won't hurt.)
